Organic vesture is clothing made up of materials raised in on in or big in compliance with organic agricultural standards.Organic consumer goods could also be composed of cotton, jute, silk, ramie, or wool. Retailers charge a lot of for organic consumer goods as a result of the supply of the clothing’s fibre are free from herbicides, pesticides, or genetically changed seeds.
Authentic Organic Clothes and consumer goods will facilitate the atmosphere in a variety of the way, such as
1) No chemical pesticides are used.

2) Organic cotton produces less greenhouse emissions – Organic farming takes 5 tonnes of greenhouse emission per acre p.a. are taken out of the atmosphere .

3) Organic cotton farming uses up to 1hr where less water is used than standard farming ways .

4) Pesticide or weed killer residues don’t seem to be entered accidentally into the atmosphere.

5) Humans and animals don’t seem to be exposed to chemical pesticides or herbicides.

6) When the material is discarded, pesticides and herbicides don’t seem to be came to the planet in lowland, or enter into usage method.

7) Cotton covers a pair of.5% of the world’s ground however uses 16 PF of the world’s pesticides, over the other single major crop.It will take nearly a 1/3 pound of artificial fertilizers to grow one pound of raw cotton within the U.S.A., and it takes just below one pound of raw cotton to create one jersey

Researchers at Oxford analysed seventy one peer-reviewed studies.The meta-analysis showed that organic farming needs eighty four a lot of land. The researchers complete that each organic farming and traditional farming are worse for the atmosphere than integrated ways that mix the most effective of each and new technology. With higher productivity less space would be required for agriculture and it would be sustained for life habitats and biology.

Many street retailers, like H&M, Nike and Wal-mart market organic consumer goods ranges that contain chemicals from the coloring to bleaching method, that is inconsistent with the thought of organic consumer goods. several firms sell consumer goods made up of bamboo, that is often labelled as “organic”, but this is often a falsehood. Bamboo material is often with chemicals factory-made by “cooking” the bamboo leaves and woody shoots in sturdy chemical solvents like caustic soda and chemical compound, in a very method jointly referred to as chemical reaction alkalization combined with multi-phase bleaching. each caustic soda and chemical compound are connected to serious health issues. This finished material is analogous to fabric and modal, that are a lot of correct terms of describing bamboo materials. Criticism conjointly considerations the high value of the merchandise.

Get insights of Organic Cotton

Chikankari- Type of embroidery done on cloth


Chikankari (process of chikan) was basically invented in lucknow(India).It consisted of style inspired by Persians and was developed more rapidly in the period of Mughals. This incredible style made it possible for Lucknow, a place in India to grow like a tree in an Interntional Market.Many countries have adapted this type of embroidery lately. Chikan began as a type of white-on-white (or whitework) embroidery.  At that time, white threads were used on semi-transparent muslin cloth started as a Tradition. However, with the invention of newer fabric types and changing demands of fashion,  It is seen that with changing fashion chikankari has become one of the famous type of embroidery in among many famous Fashion Designers.Now It is also being done on a variety of fabrics including synthetic ones. Various patterns and colors have emerged  making chikankari pretty Popular in many contries.

chikankari saree
chikankari saree

Chikakari is an integral part of Indian culture since 655 ADC and was strongly rekindled by Moghul queen Noor Jehan in later date. It patronized not only the Moguls but also attained perfection as the most exquisite needlework and hand work which underwent further refinement. It is Admired all over the world over today, this beautiful art has trickled into every section of fashion world.


Any specific wash / care instructions?

Mostly all the apparels are made of cotton and you can just wash in a regular washing machine and dry. However, we recommend that you hand wash and hang dry. To make it very crisp, please use starch spray and then iron it inside out.
Designer dress / suit – we recommend to get it dry cleaned.

chikankari sari
chikankari sari

On which cloth Chikankari embroidery is possible?

For women:dress material,dress,kurti,mix and match, Dupattas, Leggings, Shalls, Stole. Chikankari work on kurtas for women.
Men: khadi trousers, t-shirts, track pants, sri sri yoga branded track pants, ethnic-special madhurya collection for men, chikankari work on kurtas for men

Kids:ethnic wear, t-shirts, short dhoti, shirts with some message or sloka printed on it. It’s really cute to make your child listen to you and wear an appropriate dress for an occasion.

ethnic kids wear
ethnic kids wear
kid in traditional wear
kid in traditional wear


Traditional or Fancy Saree/ Kurti

Both,traditional and heavy work fancy sarees have chikankari work done on them.

Time needed to complete the Embroidery

Minimun of 2 months is required to make a embroidered saree


Chikankari is the most popular kind of Embroidery. Started in Asia and now used in many countries. It’s done on ethnic wear for many countries too.

Do you have any Chikankari work done on any of your Dress? Tell us if you do.